Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Good Questions lead to Good Faith

Throughout the gospels Jesus was reportedly asked about 183 direct questions; however he only directly answered 3 of those questions.

This is quite amazing to me since I thought my most of my faith was based on having the “right” information and “right” answers! Isn’t that why I went to seminary? To learn the “right” answer and pass that “right” answer onto everyone who will listen – not excluding my husband, my kids, my siblings, my co-workers, etc. And if they don’t listen, I’m to convince that they should listen because I know the “right” answer!

Jesus’ way is very different than how I would do it. Can you imagine? Typically when Jesus was asked a question he responded in one of three ways.
1. Jesus was silent. Before Pilate (John 19.9) he remained silent.
2. Jesus asks another question, as with the coin of Caesar (Matthew 22.19)
3. Jesus gives an illustration as with the Good Shepherd (Luke 10:30)

I wonder how I as both a parent and a kids' leader, can more fully integrate
Silence, Questions & Stories into my kids' lives.

1 comment:

Jerrell Jobe said...

Great Thoughts...

Congrad Gempf's book "Jesus Asked" is an interesting read on the types of questions Jesus asked...

It's available as a free download at: