Thursday, October 29, 2009


The other day I spent 5 hours with my brother, Dale. We talked about how our spiritual journeys have changed and deepen throughout these last 5 years. Even though we have journeyed different paths separately we have both arrived at similiar places. A place where we are experiencing the love of God and relying less on knowledge and performance.

Dale shared that he has been walking to and from work each day. These 40 minutes of walking has met various needs such as exercise, reflection, prayer time, and an increased awareness of what is around him. A simple change in his daily routine has had a huge impact on him.

My husband once said that spending time with my brother helped him understand me better. What an awesome complement.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Connection Studio - WWKids preschool experience

How would you like to find a place where you don't have to rush because there is plenty of time? A place where you can listen to hear God's voice? A place where everyone knows your name and you see your friends and share a snack? Each week our preschool kids experience this in the new Connection Studio.

This month the kids will meet the Good Shepherd. The loving, caring Shepherd who knows their names and guides them to still water and green pastures. The sheep recognize the Shepherd's voice and follow Him.

I am so excited about this new opportunity for our preschool kids. For over 10 years I have been reading and researching the Godly Play, Young Children in Worship, Catechist of the Good Shepherd and most recently Maria Montessori. The Connection Studio is wwKids intrepetation of spiritual direction for little kids. I have an awesome team leading this new adventure into kids' spiritual formation.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Still in Matthew

"Stuck in Matthew" sounds a lot like "Lost in Space," an old TV show I watched when I was a kid! When you are stuck you can fight to be "released" or you can just hang out and see how the Spirit works in that "stuckiness." I'm waiting, watching, wondering and praying. . .
What does the Spirit want to teach me through this Matthew scripture?

As I've been hanging out in Matthew I just "happened" to come across Richard Rohr's reflections ("Radical Grace") on the temptations of Jesus. Still surprises me how the Spirit does that, She leads me to other resources I need to hear or see.

The First Temptation of Christ (Success)
I believe that all would-be leaders must face the same 3 temptations as Jesus. The first temptation of Christ, to turn stones into bread (Matthew 4.13) is the need to be effective, successful, relevant, to make things happen. You've done something and people say, "wow! Good job! You did it right. You're OK." When the crowds approve, it's hard not to believe that we have done a good thing and probably God's will.

Usually when you buy into that too quickly, you're feeding the false self and the system, which tells you what it immediately wants and seldom knows what it really needs. You can be a very popular and successful leader operating at this level. That is why Jesus has to face that temptation first, to move us beyond what we want to what we really need. In refusing to be relevant, in refusing to respond to people's immediate requests, Jesus says, Go deeper. What's the real question? What are you really after? What does the heart really hunger for? What do you really desire? "It's not by bread alone that we live." (Matthew 4.4)

Westwinds' Kids ministry is different because it builds off some core beliefs,
that kids learn best through hands-on, self discovery environments;
that kids need to learn to ask good questions to engage the story of God;
that kids can learn to listen and respond to God's voice;
that kids play is essential to their spiritual development;
that kids learn the story of God and begin to connect their personal story w/God's; and
that kids will grow through consistent relationships with adults.

What we do in wwKids in not because it is cool but because I believe it touches the deep heart-felt needs of our kids and will build the foundation for their spiritual journey to Jesus, the son of God.

In my quiet moments with God I ask the Spirit to help me go deeper. To examine myheart and motives. Why do I do what I do? Am I seeking the approval of others or is God's approval most important? Whatever I discover through this process of self reflection, I must be gentle with myself. Be kind to myself. The Spirit does not accuse me. Satan does that. The Spirit gently guides me to a deeper place of self awareness and then stays with me as we journey together.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

New Place

Just a short distance from our place there is a 500-acre perserve. The kids and I went out Thursday after school. I'll admit that the idea was not immediately embraced by the kids although they liked that Jake (our dog) could come with us.

As we moved into the forest, Jeff got a bit more excited, recalling other places that he and I had hiked in Ohio and Kentucky. Allie took a bit longer to warm up, but became more engaged as she tried to find me the "most perfect red leaf." Then we found sassafras trees and bushes. This tree has 3 unique leaves on it, so it was fun to see if we could identify the 3 leaves and find more trees.

The 1.4 mile trail took us about 40 minutes to walk and we were the only ones out there. That's important to an introvert like me. You can't be noisey in the woods! It just doesn't work.

Big thanks to my Westwinds' friends who told me about this great place. I am sure that I will make frequent visits with my family or more realistically I'll drag out ny family out there with me! At least the dog likes to go with me.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stuck in Matthew

I'm wondering what the Spirit wants to teach me through this scripture. I'll sit and let it "compost" and see what happens.

So continuing in Matthew... Jesus is just baptized and a voice from heaven says, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased." Now Jesus has been led into the desert by the Spirit to be tempted. He's been fasting for 40 days and nites.

I wonder how you feel after being alone in the desert for 40 days and nites? I wonder how you feel after not eating for 40 days? I wonder if Jesus is tired, dirty, grumpy? I wonder if Jesus was lonely or was he used to being alone? I don't think I would be at my "best" after 40 days of living like that - isolated, emotionally and physically tired and hungry.

Matthew 4.3 says, "The tempter came to him and said, "if you are the son of God. . ." Satan knows how to attack us. He uses a similar phrase that the voice from heaven uses in 3.17. He questions Jesus' understanding of who He is - the Son of God. Satan tries to plant a seed of doubt and then challenges Jesus by saying, prove to me you are the son of God by turning these stones into bread.

Satan wants me to doubt what God says about me. He doesn't want me to really believe that I am the beloved daughter of God; that God loves me, Lori Ann Tate. We become dangerous people (to Satan) when we really believe and trust what God has said about us. We become dangerous because we don't believe Satan's lies and he holds less power/control in our life.

Each day
each hour,
each moment of my life
I get to choose who I believe.

Do I believe and trust what God says about me or
do I believe and accept the lies that Satan tells me.

Accept the gift of God's love and
live there as His beloved daughter.
God's love will change your life.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

More thoughts from Matthew

I've been doing a little bit of inductive Bible study on Matthew. The other day I observed that when Jesus was baptized (from Matt. 3.13-17), even though he had not started his ministry God the Father says, "this is my Son, whom I love, with him I am well pleased." That has significant meaning to me, since I struggle with letting myself to loved by God for simply being me.

According to Matthew's gospel immediately following the batpism Jesus is led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. Right after this HUGE confirmatmion - you are my beloved son, Jesus is led to the desert. There is such a stark contrast from between "This is my beloved son" and oh "let the Spirit lead you to the desert to be tempted for 40 days." This is an unexpected turn of events, at least in my mind. I'm thinking that after receiving this great public blessing at the baptism things might go well for Jesus. But my understanding of what is best and God's understanding is very different.

One insight I take away from this passage is: Joy and blessings are companions of suffering and uncomfortableness. I don't believe you can have one without the other. If you are willing to dive in deeply and work hard in uncomfortable territory - your self-image, ego, anger, desire to control, desire for approval - then you will be able to experience the deep love and joy that is offered to you by Jesus through the Spirit.

Where is God's Spirit leading you? Is the Spirit leading you to the "desert" to come face-to-face with something you need to address? Ask God's Spirit to show you.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thoughts from Matthew

I've been reading in the book of Matthew recently. Each gospel tells the story of Jesus from a different perspective with Matthew emphasizing how Jesus fulfills the First Testament prophecies. The adult Jesus isn't even mentioned until chapter 3.13 when he comes to John the Baptist and asks to be baptized. Recognizing who Jesus is, John hesitantly baptizes him. As JEsus ic coming out of the water, "at that moment heaven was opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."

What struck me as I read this story was the fact that Jesus hadn't done anythng yet! He hadn't preached, he hadn't healed anybody, he's done NOTHING, yet the Father says He is well pleased. The Father says this is my son, my own dear son whom I love. Jesus knew his Father loved him and Jesus knew who he was in the eyes of his Father - a beloved child, a son.

Unconditional love is unimaginable apart from God the Father. We hear comments and some of them say with us throughout our life, uncless we consciously allow God's love & grace to heal us. Those tapes can be negative statements like "you're not responsible," "you're not doing encough," "you're fat, you're dumb, you're ugly." Or they can be blessings, "you're a good friend," "you always smile," "you're a good listener."

How loving is the Father that he blessed his son Jesus with those words, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased," BEFORE Jesus began his ministry.

I am loved. I am special because of who God made me, not because of what I do or don't accomplish at home, work or ministry.