Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Can I trust God?

When I left the corporate world of EDS and went to Asbury Seminary the most important thing I learned was to ask good questions. Naturally you would have thought that I learned how to answer questions, but no, I learned to ask good questions and over the years since seminary I have continued to ask even better questions.

These days I'm asking and wrestling with the question, "Can I trust God?"

Not can I say the words, "I trust God," but can I really trust Him to provide and work on my behalf.

"Do I believe and trust that God does and will provide for me?"

If I believe this statement, how would my day look different?


Kacey Nicole said...

I know you do not know me. And I really do not know you. But I felt like I should comment. Sometimes I find myself in the same situation you are in. I ask myself questions, pray uncontrollably, and finally break down. I am not that old and I have A LOT left to learn in life. But one thing I do know is this, God never hands us problems that we cannot handle. And he can only work with what you let him have. The more you hold back, the more YOU have to deal with. Then it does not become the matter of can you trust God but more so "Can I trust myself". That is the whole purpose of faith, right? Giving God your all not knowing what may come next. But, the less you give him, the less he can do in your life. I apologize for being forward. This is just something that I felt I should say.

lori tate said...

Thank you for your comment Kacey. It's so true.