Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thoughts on kids & prayer

I love the movies, "Anne of Green Gables." Early in the series Marilla, Anne's adoptive mother, is teaching her how to pray. Anne is instructed to kneel next to her bed, fold her hands, bow her head and close her eyes. She then proceeds to "pray" like she is writing a letter to her grandpa and ends her prayer with, "sincerely yours, Anne  - with an 'e'."

When Marilla expresses her concern about Anne's prayer style, Anne quickly replies, "I don't like it either. Why do I have to bow my head and kneel when I pray? I imagine praying out in the big open field under the blue sky, imagining it was a great cathedral built to honor God. I would life my face and my hands and sing."As Anne speaks she begins to twirl around her arms lifted up.

Marilla quickly stops Anne with a stern, "Stop that nonsense and get into bed."

I love kids' innocence and spontaneity especially as they respond to God.
How sad that as adults we often squelch their expressions of love because we don't have time for that "nonsense."

Parenting is a sacred journey. We will not be perfect parents, but let us be aware and present to the work God is doing in our kids' souls. Parenting is a time when we can re-enter the innocence of childhood through our kids, if we take the time to be silly with them.

1 comment:

paul said...

i don't know AOGG, but i find Anne's desire to pray in her own heart felt way quite wonderful

i myself gave up on a traditional style of prayer some years ago

I now only think about God dwelling inside my heart knowing I want everyone in the world to be whole and happy and well every day