Thursday, March 10, 2011

What do you desire from God?

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday; it marked the beginning of Lent, the period of time before Easter.

What do I seek, what do I desire to receive from God during this time? A deepening confidence and courage in myself, not in my own abilities but in the Spirit’s work in me. I want to believe and live out the belief that God’s Spirit is working in me AND in those around me.

I love that the Spirit, that God loves each of us uniquely. I love how our spiritual journey is designed for each of us through the Spirit. When I am truly believing and trusting that God’s Spirit is working in each of us, I am less judgmental! I experience the fruit of the spirit - love, joy, peace, confidence.

For me, spiritual disciplines can become another way of legalism. I can desire that every day of Lent I will post a new blog entry. That sounds great and maybe even spiritual, but most likely I’ll become more self-absorbed, as I try to write something “inspiring” that most likely no one will read. So for me at this time in my life, I have found that there are a few disciplines that I must hold fast to.

I MUST get adequate rest. Not only am I not a good wife, mom, or follower of Jesus when I am tired but my spirit becomes critical. A critical spirit is dangerous for me; it’s a foothold for Satan. When I am tired, I do not think creatively. For me at this time in my life, rest/sleep is a key component to my spiritual walk.

I MUST have time alone with God. Where and how it happens is less important than making sure it happens. It can be early in the morning; it can alone in my car; or it can be walking outside. For a new mom, your alone time with God may be in the shower! Or it may be when you are holding your baby. As the weather changes, gardening will be another way that I spend time alone with God.

Enjoy the freedom you have to uniquely connect to God. What fits with your personality? what draws you closer to God?

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