Saturday, April 2, 2011

Silent Retreat I

I attended my fifth silent retreat with eight other companions last weekend. We were at Victory Noll Center in Huntington, Indiana. While every year the experience is different there are some similarities.

Silence makes me willing; not willful. Silence makes me attentive. Silence helps remove distractions that interfere with me hearing God. Silence centers me and lets me catch glimpses of my true-self.

Once a friend shared that she just could NOT be silent. It wasn’t part of her makeup, she explained. Then she asked my opinion about “being silent,” did I think everyone needed to be silent? I hesitated with my answer, not wanting to be dogmatic, I replied, “I think everyone needs to find a way to be silent.”

1 comment: said...

Good comment to your friend, not with judgment, but a valid observation. "Be still and know..."

Just found your blog and really enjoying your observations about life and faith.