Saturday, December 13, 2008

Love my kids. . .

I am so proud of my kids. I took the day of work Thursday to go to 3 doctor appointments and do some Christmas shopping.

We started off the morning at the dentist for our 6-month cleaning. Both kids did great, no fussing or crying. I have heard horror stories about kids at the doctor's office. I've even witnesses other families’ horror moments. I'm so thankful that that is one thing I haven't had to deal with.

After the dentist, poor Jeff had to go to school, but Allie went on to visit the dermatologist a.k.a the "itch doctor." We can be driving down the road and Allie will beginning screaming. She has an itch that she can't get to. It's kinda funny, but seriously it also very frustrating and loud for all who are present.

We finished there and had lunch at Allie’s favorite place – China House. She’s buddies with the owner, named Johnnie. He always calls her by her Chinese name, Min-Min. But interestingly she told me that she didn’t like to be called that, she just wants to be “Allie.”

Then the big finale, Allie needed 4 immunization shots. I hadn’t told her why we were going to this last doctor. I didn’t want her worrying about it. But on the drive over to the office I told her about when Jeff was 5 years old and he got his shots. I told her how good he did. I let her pinch my arm and then I pinched her so she could get an idea of how it might feel. I don’t usually bribe my kids, but I bought her a small purse with lipstick and nail polish. I let her take it into the doctors, but she couldn’t open it until we were done. She did soooo awesome and so did the nurse who gave each shot quickly. On shot 4 she whimpered a bit, but that was it.

. . . the rest of the day she played it up BIG. Don’t touch me, my shots hurts. Or I can’t do that because my shots hurt. I can’t go to sleep, my shots hurts. . . . All is forgotten and we won’t need any more shots for 7 years!

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