Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Silent Retreats - @ home

My spiritual director mentioned to me that she was planning a silent retreat at home. Her husband was going out of town for several days and she would be home alone. So she planned to "retreat" at her home. This conversation invited me to explore this type of retreat experience as well.

Most of the time I have a day off during the week and I'm pretty much alone while the kids are at school and Randy is working. I've started having some personal mini-retreats.Once the kids are at school I don't have the TV, radio or iPod on. I may have an extended period of time to read or write. I try to schedule in a nap and if possible a period of time where I'm outside, walking, hiking, gardening etc.

What I do is not as important as where my focus is at. During this periods of silence/retreat/ sabbath I try to be very aware of my surroundings and what is happening within me. I reflect more indepth on recent conversations or situations. I explore the various feelings I've experienced such as inadequacy or anger within myself. I ask the Spirit to teach me and show me what really is happening in my soul and then I listen.

I listen for the Spirit while I go about my day cleaning the house, gardening or doing some other activity that does not require a whole lot of mental energy.

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