Mary Magdalene has been a comforting companion to me at this part of my journey. I can relate to her. As I sit with Mary, I feel her loss and pain and share mine as well.During my silent retreat, like Mary, I stayed at the tomb and waited.
Literally I was in the cemetery garden where the dear, faithful, loving nuns were laid to rest. I felt peace and comfort as I sat among the “cloud of witnesses.” It was a sacred and holy place.
While waiting in the garden, Jesus called me. He didn’t call me Lori or even Lori Ann, but rather “my beloved child, my beloved daughter . . . I will carry and hold you!”
I saw the image of a father holding, cradling a tiny newborn baby. That baby was me, an adult me. The Father looked at me with love and joy. He was content to simply hold his beloved child close to his heart.
The Father said, I will feed you . . . concern about my diet
I will carry you . . . concern about my hip
I will provide you a place to stay . . . concern about housing
I will take care of your finances, marriage, children
NOTE: people recognize and hear God in different ways. I have found being silent has opened a segue for the Spirit to speak to me. I share my personal experiences as an invitation for others to seek an intimate, loving relationship with God the Father and Jesus Christ his Son.