Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Directed Silent Retreat - my question

Mary Magdalene
Early in the morning
while it was still dark
Mary went to the tomb.

Mary stayed
looked in the tomb

Mary saw Jesus
but did not realize it was Him
Until He said her name - Mary

Mary believed. (john 10.11)

Mary was exhausted, she was tired and she was hurting deeply. She had just lost her best friend, Jesus. When most of the others left, Mary stayed at the cross, with Jesus’ mother and aunt. She stayed and witnessed the entire crucifixion.

I can’t imagine the depth of pain that Mary felt when she went to the tomb early that morning. I suspect that she was numb and couldn’t even think straight. When you are hurting as deeply as Mary was, your whole body aches. Every movement is painful. So it is easy to see imagine Mary curled up, weeping. Her eyes are swollen, her head is hurting and her nose is stuffed up. If you have ever hurt this deeply, you can more easily understand how Mary may not have recognized Jesus.

Often I am troubled when I hear someone said that they can’t recognize God. I believe that verse that says, “If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me.” Perhaps I put up barriers that prevent me from seeing God – busyness, ego, knowledge, pain.

What, if any barriers do you have that prevent you from recognizing Jesus?

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