Saturday, October 23, 2010

Everyone benefits from positive affirmation

The other day at the park there was a family kicking the soccer ball around nearby where I sat. Their little son, I guessed to be 3 years old, came up and hit his older sister on her back. The girl began to cry and told her dad what happened. The dad responded to the little boy with, “I told you to keep your f-ing hands off of her.”

I was so shocked by the harshness in this man’s voice, and even though his words were not directed at me, I was hurt because I witnessed the incident. Days later I still carry with me the negativity and weight of those few violent moments. Each time I recall the incident I grieve, but I also pause to pray.

Studies show that when we complement another person, not only does that increase their serotonin level (a well-known contributor to feelings of well being) it increased the person’s serotonin level who gave the complement. The study then shows that those who are present and hear this exchange of complements ALSO have an increase of serotonin.

Everyone benefits when we are kind to one another.

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