Thursday, January 1, 2009

Goodbye to my friend

“Our only desire and our one choice should be this
I want and I choose what better leads me
to God’s deepening his life in me.” - Ignatius

Dear Randy, While this statement would be reflective of John, Dave, Ben and others at WW, you live it in a way that is uniquely yours and your way drew me to you. I desired to be with you and learn from you because I instinctively knew it would connect to my soul and change my life.

Thank you for encouraging me to pursue my Spiritual Direction degree.
Thank you for helping me think creatively about the different learning styles and environments which is the foundation of the K6 Experience Studios.
Thank you for allowing me to do ministry and still be a wife and mom.
Thank you for encouraging me to live a healthy lifestyle.
Thank you for showlng me what it means to be really present with someone.
Thank you for encouraging me to check out the Godly Play and other similar programs. (Timing is everything; I’m still working that material and hopefully will make some big changes in the preschool age program during 2009.)

Randy the way you live life, is a source of encouragement and challenge to me. The Spirit can influence and guide us only to the extent we are in touch with our inner self. You have had the courage to personally journey inward and in turn have challenged me to go deeper and to answer the tough inner questions for myself. That is living a reflective life.

Through you I have learned that God is always present, I just need to become aware of him. You have helped me learn to look for Jesus in ALL places, people and circumstances. You helped me learn that “everything is sacred” – my time with my kids, a walk in the woods, lunch time, encounters with people serving the public -- not just moments that happen in the church building, with other Christians, or discussing Bible things. This deeper understanding of my Christian spirituality has totally changed how I live my life.

Someone I know said. . . . there is much to say, but few words. . . . so thank you. I love you. And not that you care. . . but I quote you all the time.
Your friend and fellow sojourner – Lori
Randy moved further inward and upward on his journey with Jesus on Monday, December 22. I can't imagine what my friend is experiencing, but I'm happy for him.

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