Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Peace: Can you really see it?

During my weekend class we have an activity called “peer group.” Each of us takes a turn presenting ourselves in relationship to a specific directee while the others listen attentively to the Spirit on your behalf. I had presented and one of my peers stated, “I sense a deep peace about you. . .from the moment I saw you this evening, I noted how peaceful you seemed.”

My friend’s words were almost identifical to what my spiritual director had said to me three weeks ago. These women don’t know each other and live at least 1oo miles apart.

So even though I may feel like things are uncontrollable and chaotic, even though each step is painful and things don’t make sense . . .I have a sense of peace. I have no other explanation except it is God. I know that Spirit is inviting me even deeper into God’s peace and His rest

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