Sunday, March 29, 2009

Silence and Solitude

"If we wish to follow Jesus, we need to follow him first and foremost into the desert. There is no way that you and I today can enter into the spirit of Jesus' Way without creating some space in ours lives for silence and solitude." Jesus Today: Albert Nolan

Over a year ago someone asked me, "Does everyone have to be silent or is it just for some types of personalities?" I was hesistant to give a direct answer (a common occurence for individuals who are practicing spiritual direction).

Silence and solitude help individuals create space for God.

Often we think we've created space for God by attending church, being part of a small group, serving in Kids ministry, reading our Bible, and the list will go on and on. That's "doing."

Creating space for God is about "being." The word contemplative means to enter in, to be present in the moment. Some of the most influencial people in my life demonstrated living in the present. Whenever I was with them, I was the "center" of their world/attention. I think these women and men understood how to be present, how to "be" with God and therefore could be present with others.

The author Albert Nolan is full of grace. He does not have a 10-step action plan to be silent, but he encourages you to begin the journey of silence. Each journey looks different. My own journey looks different today with a husband and 2 kids, compared to when I was single. I have seasons with this season that look different from other times.

Begin to enter into the presence of God.
Be still, be silent but most of all be patient with yourself.
"Your desire to please God, pleases God." - Thomas Merton

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