Thursday, March 5, 2009

Traveling Further Inward and Upward

On February 18, 2009 my friend Kris joined my other friend, Randy on the journey - further inward and upward into the presence of Jesus.

Her passing has prompted several conversations with my kids about death and heaven. I described heaven as living with HD TV, it's a new dimension, a new reality, where Kris is constantly in the presence of Jesus. Then the kids and talked about what birds might be there in heaven, cause I'm sure that there will be birds.

Presence: Kris was always present with whomever she was with.

Service: Although Kris battled her cancer for 9 years, she continued to serve others. For over 2 years, she faithfully came to the church office to work with me. She listened to my ideas, gave me feedback, she encouraged her, she sent out hundreds of thank you notes and cards to WWKids volunteers. Kris volunteered at hospice, which I found every interesting.

Humor: Kris had a great sense of humor. She always joked about her "chemo brain" or she would let me know when she was getting a dose of steriods so that I could have lots for her to do, because she could go 2-3 days without sleep when she was on steriods.

There was a woman at church who helped clean each week, but I could not remember her name. So each week we made Kris ask the lady her name, because Kris would blame it on her chemo brian!

She often was taking her chemo treatment "on the go". They hooked her up to her bag and she just went about doing life when dangerous chemicals were being pumped into her body. The one day she called me and said she'd be late for work, cause she chemo bag broke and split in the store and she needed to take care of it!

Attitude: Whenever someone asked Kris "how are you doing" she responded, "Thankful for another day of life," and she was!

Having Kris be a part of my life has changed me. I miss her. . .a lot.

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