Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Chasing Bunnies

Gotcha’ Day for Jake our dog was a year ago Saturday. Good day but nothing like Allie’s day!

This weekend he (the dog) did a couple of “first timers.” Unfortunately they were BAD things, like chasing deer in the backyard. He’s never done that! Then later in the evening he chased a bunny across the road. Jake was OK but it scared the crap out of Jeff and the babysitter!
How is it that this silly dog would risk everything – a loving home that provides security, food, toys, care and companionship to chase after something he will most likely never catch?

We love this silly dog! He is a part of our family yet he’s willing to risk it all for the cheap thrill of chasing after a stupid bunny. Why can’t he understand how much we love him and want to care for him? Why would he run from our love? Why doesn’t he trust us to love him?

Why don’t I trust my Father’s love for me? Why do I insist on doing what I want and not trusting Him? Chasing after things that I think will make me happy.

Oh my Gosh – I’ve become my DOG!

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