Sunday, December 6, 2009

Blessing Others

The other day my husband shared that he really missed not playing his guitar. In the 12 years I've been with him, playing music has not been a priority for him. He mentioned that he felt something was missing and perhaps it was his music.

I was so pleased to hear him express this desire. I told him that if he picked up his guitar and began playing again that everyone in our family would benefit and be blessed. I honestly believe that. Our kids need to see this other creative side to their dad; our kids need experience their dad's talent and see the pleasure it brings him.

Everyone in the family/community benefit when we practice and use the unique gifts God has given to us. Even if Randy never again plays in public, we will be blessed and encouraged to use our gifts.

I took his guitar to have it fixed for his upcoming birthday/cxmas gift. He doesn't read my blog so I can say this :)

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