Monday, December 21, 2009

A prayer for my friends

My friend, do not forget to care for yourself. Be gentle and kind to yourself.
When you accept the gentleness and love of Jesus, you will become that for others.
Make time for yourself. Take a walk, read a book, take a bubble bath.
Care for your body. Exercise, eat healthy, get plenty of rest.
When you take time of yourself, amazingly you have more to give to others.
Create space in your day that has no agenda or "to do" list,
Part of being spiritual is being constantly amazed
When you open up space and time in your daily life, the Spirit speaks and She will amaze you.

Each new day is a freshing time, a time of possibility and promise.
Dawn brings awakening and renewal.
Dawn unveils the mystery of this universe.
Dawn is the ultimate surprise. . . it awakens us to the immense "thereness" of nature.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,
His mercies never come to end.
They are new every morning,
Great is your faithfulness, O Lord.

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