Thursday, December 3, 2009


Most people in my life right now don't know that I have a degree in Art & Design from Grand Valley. My first eight years out of college I was a graphic designer and corporate communication specialist at EDS. In that time however I realized that I was a very mediocre designer and gradually moved towards the writing and managing various teams.

For years I have said that my creativity comes out in some of my writing, photography, gardening, cooking, and decorating. I did very little with my art training or background until I was at a silent retreat several years ago. At this particular retreat there was an art studio where I played, prayed and created a triptych collage with inexpensive material.

Lately I've been sensing not just a desire but a need to "play" around with my art. In November's Soul Dig gathering, we played in silence for a hour creating a sculpture collage. I was pleased and amazed at how all the women embraced the opportunity to create something. I think our desire to create is part of the Image of God imprint.

I don't write or create art for other people's pleasure or to seek their affirmation. I need to create because it nurtures my soul. It draws me to God. I need to do this for me.

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