Friday, January 8, 2010

Learn to Notice God

When I was a kid someone taught me where hawks hang out. He showed me that hawks have white bellies in comparison to turkey buzzards, whose bellies were dark. He also pointed out the difference between the birds’ wings. By simply pointing out a few distinct characteristics of a hawk, I’ve been able to identify hawks everywhere.

Along those same lines, someone else taught me to notice where God is active and moving. I have found that the Spirit leads me through various levels of self-awareness. After years of this happening, I identify 4 "steps" for lack of a better word. There's this pattern of observation, reflection, discovery and response and it kinda looks like this.

Observe: notice what you are doing, notice how you are feeling, notice what the Spirit may be telling you. Put into words what you are noticing. (For example: I’m crabby with my kids and husband)

Reflect/examine: what is going on? Why are you feeling this way? Feelings are not good or bad. They just are. Are you normally like this? Do you often feel this way? How might it be connected to another part of your life? Ask the Spirit to show you. (I feel a lot of pressure – work, school, parents. I am really tired. I’ve been crabby with my husband.)

Discover: Are there any connections? How does one part of your life impact another area. Ask the Spirit to guide you. (I’m really mad at my dad and his choices, but I’m taking it out on my husband and kids. I’ve never noticed that before.)

Respond: Do what you need to do. Ask the Spirit to guide your response to this new discovery. What is now required with this new information. Perhaps you share this self discovery with your husband, perhaps you may need to talk to with your dad.
As you begin to repeat this process and live in this type of rhythm, the next time you yell at your kids or husband, you may pause and ask yourself, “what’s going on? What’s the real problem.”

Trust that the Spirit will lead and guide you to the Truth and change you.

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