Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Learning to live generously

After 3 years of commuting to Toledo, Ohio for work, my husband amazingly found a new job in Jackson, Michigan (the end of September). Note that Jackson, Michigan has the worst of the worst economies in the country. No kidding. Michigan has the highest unemployment rate and Jackson has the highest in Michigan. It was a totally God-thing that my husband “found” this position that was advertised only once in a small local paper. God has been so good to us.
In the midst of this blessing, we have also experienced a 33 percent cut in our household income. The trade off however is a consistent paycheck, not sporadic commission checks, and the best trade off is we eat dinner together as a family every night. Most nights when my daughter prays at dinner time, she thanks God that “Daddy got new work and can eat dinner with us.”
This new job has brought about numerous changes such as parenting jointly, our daily schedule and our finances

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