Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Wonder of the Monarch Butterfly

This is the fourth year we have raised monarch butterflies. The first year we got the caterpillars from the Dalhem Center, but since then we have just gone out to our pond and found them on milkweed.

We have raised and successfully released 5 or 6 butterflies, but we have also lost them at all different stages. This year one of the caterpillars went into the “J” position but never formed its cocoon and died; one formed the cocoon but it dried out and died; one emerged from the cocoon but its wing was damaged and died.
This year Allie let the butterfly climb on her. I wanted to take photos, so I asked Allie to carry the newly emerged butterfly to the plant. She hates bugs so I was very surprised she agreed to “help” me this way. I've learned that by asking kids to help me, I can get them to do try something that may be uncomfortable. Allie was surprised at how the butterfly clung to her finger, she said that it even tickled.

Being spiritual is the ability to be constantly amazed. I can’t think of anything more amazing than observing the total transformation of a little worm like-creature into a beautiful, graceful butterfly.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

A prayer for you

Praying the Spirit will flow through you today –
                  as you speak, teach, lead -
         may others experience our Father’s
                  grace and love,
                  hope and peace
                                    as they encounter you.

Following your morning ministry
                  I pray you will rest in the arms of our Father
                  and receive a new all you have graciously given to others. Amen.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

LONGING: wanting more

More. I wanted more.
Our society cultivates that desire within me. Catalogs and magazines show me the new colors to paint my walls, new clothes to buy, new places to travel, etc. What you have is never enough, so work hard to get more.

There is a problem here. I’m not supposed to want more. I love Jesus and know the scriptures. I know that material things will never satisfy. I know that I need to “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and everything else falls into place.”
So to not appear materialistic, I work on being healthier by exercising, gardening, and cooking healthy foods. I read. I research new time management skills because my old ones are outdated and my life still feels chaotic. I simplify my household and get more organized - iPhone, iPad, gadgets to help me organize my life that is crammed full of things.

When I want more of Jesus, I just “apply” the world’s remedy in that area. More of Jesus means more “spiritual things” like reading the Bible more, praying more, serving more, giving more, more self-sacrificing, more hours at church, etc.
After years of dealing with an eating disorder I refused to go to a Christian counselor, because I felt they would tell me, “You just need to trust Jesus more.” But I had tried the “more Jesus” route and was left feeling defeated, tired and worthless. No matter how many “Jesus” activities I did nothing brought me joy or peace.

                          Where is the abundant life that Jesus talked about?                   Does it really exist?                                         How do you find it?
Jesus said in Matthew 11.28-30 28-30"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

I want to live this way.
I want my kids to learn live this way.

I want to "keep company" with Jesus and live freely.

Receive Jesus' blessing today.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Parenting - a sacred pathway

On Father's Day I read an article about Tom Izzo, MSU's basketball coach. He said that his coaching style or approach has changed over the years, especially since he became a dad. Being a dad has given Tom a different perspective on the "boys" on his basketball team.

For some we just transfer the business skills we have acquired into some form of parenting. We create goals, objectives and endless "To Do" lists for ourselves and kids. We measure our success as parents based on how full our kids' days are. God forbid that our kids would ever be "bored."

What if God wants to use this period of our lives to transform us? What if being a parent could really draw you closer to God? What if the best thing you could do for your kids is to throw away the "To Do" list?

Take a few minutes to reflect on how you have already changed since you have become a parent. If you are not a parent, how have your interactions with kids changed your perspective on things?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Being Present


I want to be somewhere else. Settled. Knowing. Plans. Schedule.
But that is not where I am at.

We - meaning I - have this distorted idea that arriving at our destination is "it" or accomplishing our goal is the end. But actually it is the process, the journey and what takes place during that time that shapes and transforms us.

People often ask, "where do you want to be in life?" Most of the time we think out into the future and name some goal. What if we simply answered, "I want to be where I am at."

Today my prayer is to be present. (Isn't that my prayer everyday?)
Be aware -
To love and be present with my kids
To notice the beautiful leaf Allie shows me
To stop and investigate a new catepillar on my plant
I am where God wants me to be. I want to receive and enjoy His blessing and not wish for something else.

Allie just got up and is sitting on my lap. I'm going to enjoy some moments with my daughter.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Language of God

After reading Acts 2:1-11 [describing Pentecost] with a group of 9-year olds, the catechist asked, "How could people from so many different places all understand the apostles?"
A young boy replied, "Because when you speak with God there is only one language, and they were all speaking the language of God."

What language does God speak? Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, German, tongues, ASL, etc. These are the typical adult answers which are concrete and observable. So how is it that a 9-year old kid has such profound insight into the Almighty God? Even in our highly technical world of play, perhaps kids’ hearts are less cluttered and can still hear God speak in their hearts.

God is speaking. He has signposts along our pathways.
Can you hear Him speaking? Do you know the language of God?

Friday, June 8, 2012

Parenthood is a Sacred Path

Daily life is God's curriculum to draw me closer to Him. Nothing is a surprise to Him. Everything has the potential to bring me closer to Him, if I allow it.

Sometimes as inexperienced parents we feel that our new mom and dad responsibilities distract us from our relationship with God. Yes, our relationship dynamics change but our children are not "distractions" from God. Parenting is a sacred path. It is a spiritual discipline.

If you are feeling guilty or anxious that you haven't _____________ (fill in the blank - read your Bible, prayed, etc.) remember that our daily life is God's curriculum. It's the lessons He has planned/allowed to teach you what you need.

My spiritual life has and continues to be completely transformed because of my kids. If I allow God to use them, I learn lesson every day from them.

       If you listen to God, you open your heart.
       If you don't listen to God, you close your heart.
       Open your heart.
                         Allie's quote (age 8)

Parenthood is an invitation to holiness.

How is God using your kids to draw you closer to Him?