Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Do you hear the Spirit?

Within the last 3 days four people from completely different areas of my life affirmed me as a good mom. Some people would say that this is just a coincidence but I would humbly disagree. For me I have found that the Spirit speaks through repetition, the same message delivered through various people. This time the people were my spiritual director, one of my ministry leaders, my previous spiritual formation teacher and a bus driver who just "happened" to stop by my garage sale!

I've been off the last 5 days. The kids and I went to see the movie "G-Force," we made s'mores, slept outside in the tent and watched the meteor shower. Jeff was a huge help at the garage sale, working shifts so I could be inside preparing a bushel of corn to freeze.

Last week I set up an aquarium on our kitchen counter. I found 4 - half inch lava/caterpillars and milkweed plants been watching 4 hungry caterpillars eat their way into oblivion. Ever read Eric Carlise's Hungry Caterpillar? It's ALL true, they eat like little pigs then lie so still you think they are dead. Although we've lost 2 caterpillars and the kids have learned some valuable lessons about nature, I'm confident that we will be the proud parents of at least two monarch butterflies in the next week to 10 days. It is an awesome life cycle to witness!

I have to admit that I initially received my parenting compliments with suspicion. Like something "bad" is going to happen so I must need extra encouragement. How silly of me! My Father God, just loves to give me good gifts and I am graciously receiving His gift and saying thanks!

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