Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thoughts from Matthew

I've been reading in the book of Matthew recently. Each gospel tells the story of Jesus from a different perspective with Matthew emphasizing how Jesus fulfills the First Testament prophecies. The adult Jesus isn't even mentioned until chapter 3.13 when he comes to John the Baptist and asks to be baptized. Recognizing who Jesus is, John hesitantly baptizes him. As JEsus ic coming out of the water, "at that moment heaven was opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."

What struck me as I read this story was the fact that Jesus hadn't done anythng yet! He hadn't preached, he hadn't healed anybody, he's done NOTHING, yet the Father says He is well pleased. The Father says this is my son, my own dear son whom I love. Jesus knew his Father loved him and Jesus knew who he was in the eyes of his Father - a beloved child, a son.

Unconditional love is unimaginable apart from God the Father. We hear comments and some of them say with us throughout our life, uncless we consciously allow God's love & grace to heal us. Those tapes can be negative statements like "you're not responsible," "you're not doing encough," "you're fat, you're dumb, you're ugly." Or they can be blessings, "you're a good friend," "you always smile," "you're a good listener."

How loving is the Father that he blessed his son Jesus with those words, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased," BEFORE Jesus began his ministry.

I am loved. I am special because of who God made me, not because of what I do or don't accomplish at home, work or ministry.

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