Saturday, October 3, 2009

More thoughts from Matthew

I've been doing a little bit of inductive Bible study on Matthew. The other day I observed that when Jesus was baptized (from Matt. 3.13-17), even though he had not started his ministry God the Father says, "this is my Son, whom I love, with him I am well pleased." That has significant meaning to me, since I struggle with letting myself to loved by God for simply being me.

According to Matthew's gospel immediately following the batpism Jesus is led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. Right after this HUGE confirmatmion - you are my beloved son, Jesus is led to the desert. There is such a stark contrast from between "This is my beloved son" and oh "let the Spirit lead you to the desert to be tempted for 40 days." This is an unexpected turn of events, at least in my mind. I'm thinking that after receiving this great public blessing at the baptism things might go well for Jesus. But my understanding of what is best and God's understanding is very different.

One insight I take away from this passage is: Joy and blessings are companions of suffering and uncomfortableness. I don't believe you can have one without the other. If you are willing to dive in deeply and work hard in uncomfortable territory - your self-image, ego, anger, desire to control, desire for approval - then you will be able to experience the deep love and joy that is offered to you by Jesus through the Spirit.

Where is God's Spirit leading you? Is the Spirit leading you to the "desert" to come face-to-face with something you need to address? Ask God's Spirit to show you.

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