Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Still in Matthew

"Stuck in Matthew" sounds a lot like "Lost in Space," an old TV show I watched when I was a kid! When you are stuck you can fight to be "released" or you can just hang out and see how the Spirit works in that "stuckiness." I'm waiting, watching, wondering and praying. . .
What does the Spirit want to teach me through this Matthew scripture?

As I've been hanging out in Matthew I just "happened" to come across Richard Rohr's reflections ("Radical Grace") on the temptations of Jesus. Still surprises me how the Spirit does that, She leads me to other resources I need to hear or see.

The First Temptation of Christ (Success)
I believe that all would-be leaders must face the same 3 temptations as Jesus. The first temptation of Christ, to turn stones into bread (Matthew 4.13) is the need to be effective, successful, relevant, to make things happen. You've done something and people say, "wow! Good job! You did it right. You're OK." When the crowds approve, it's hard not to believe that we have done a good thing and probably God's will.

Usually when you buy into that too quickly, you're feeding the false self and the system, which tells you what it immediately wants and seldom knows what it really needs. You can be a very popular and successful leader operating at this level. That is why Jesus has to face that temptation first, to move us beyond what we want to what we really need. In refusing to be relevant, in refusing to respond to people's immediate requests, Jesus says, Go deeper. What's the real question? What are you really after? What does the heart really hunger for? What do you really desire? "It's not by bread alone that we live." (Matthew 4.4)

Westwinds' Kids ministry is different because it builds off some core beliefs,
that kids learn best through hands-on, self discovery environments;
that kids need to learn to ask good questions to engage the story of God;
that kids can learn to listen and respond to God's voice;
that kids play is essential to their spiritual development;
that kids learn the story of God and begin to connect their personal story w/God's; and
that kids will grow through consistent relationships with adults.

What we do in wwKids in not because it is cool but because I believe it touches the deep heart-felt needs of our kids and will build the foundation for their spiritual journey to Jesus, the son of God.

In my quiet moments with God I ask the Spirit to help me go deeper. To examine myheart and motives. Why do I do what I do? Am I seeking the approval of others or is God's approval most important? Whatever I discover through this process of self reflection, I must be gentle with myself. Be kind to myself. The Spirit does not accuse me. Satan does that. The Spirit gently guides me to a deeper place of self awareness and then stays with me as we journey together.

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