Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stuck in Matthew

I'm wondering what the Spirit wants to teach me through this scripture. I'll sit and let it "compost" and see what happens.

So continuing in Matthew... Jesus is just baptized and a voice from heaven says, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased." Now Jesus has been led into the desert by the Spirit to be tempted. He's been fasting for 40 days and nites.

I wonder how you feel after being alone in the desert for 40 days and nites? I wonder how you feel after not eating for 40 days? I wonder if Jesus is tired, dirty, grumpy? I wonder if Jesus was lonely or was he used to being alone? I don't think I would be at my "best" after 40 days of living like that - isolated, emotionally and physically tired and hungry.

Matthew 4.3 says, "The tempter came to him and said, "if you are the son of God. . ." Satan knows how to attack us. He uses a similar phrase that the voice from heaven uses in 3.17. He questions Jesus' understanding of who He is - the Son of God. Satan tries to plant a seed of doubt and then challenges Jesus by saying, prove to me you are the son of God by turning these stones into bread.

Satan wants me to doubt what God says about me. He doesn't want me to really believe that I am the beloved daughter of God; that God loves me, Lori Ann Tate. We become dangerous people (to Satan) when we really believe and trust what God has said about us. We become dangerous because we don't believe Satan's lies and he holds less power/control in our life.

Each day
each hour,
each moment of my life
I get to choose who I believe.

Do I believe and trust what God says about me or
do I believe and accept the lies that Satan tells me.

Accept the gift of God's love and
live there as His beloved daughter.
God's love will change your life.

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