Thursday, February 25, 2010

Connection Studio at Westwinds

A teacher wrote: Today was a great day and the kids did really well with response time. As we were wondering today a child, who used to have major behavior issues, asked, "So these stories are, like, real? They really happened?" We talked about the Bible and told them all the stories in the Bible are real, that they really happened. The little kid said, "Cool!" It was really cool!

Another parent shared that she overheard her daughter playing at home, "May God be with you because He loves you so so so much."

Another parent observed their daughter painting at home. When she was done with the painting she said, "Now we need to think about God and look at it." She wanted to bring the painting to church and "think about it."

A teacher's comment: We did the church calendar and when we got to Easter one of the kids said, "Jesus died and if we believe in Him we won't die in a couple of days."

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