Sunday, June 22, 2008

Detox Plan - overworked!

These last 6 weeks have been incredible "full," "saturated" or whatever nice way you want to say overloaded. . . . so I need to detox from the addiction life style. Busyiness is addictive, at least for me. Once I get rolling it is hard to slow down. That is why it is sooo important that I don't slip back into those patterns.

But it's just so dang easy to justify. It's a busy season at work, I'm finishing up school, we're moving to a new house, it's graduation time with lots of parties, the garden needs attention. Everything is GOOD or least most of it is, but if I am left exhausted - emotionally, physically, spiritually - what has it accomplished?

Detox Plan:
I'm beginning the detox process today. Note it takes more than one day, to begin to shift from constant movement to a slower pace. especially when the plan includes this type of day!)
Part of my detox plan includes

- taking the day off work
- getting up early
- taking a nap
- reading a mindless book
- making super duper "banana oatmeal cookie" pancakes (thank you Rachael Ray!)
with my daughter,

- playing kickball with the kids,
- grilling out and
- painting 2 pieces of furniture!!. . . . . oh my, I need help!!!

Quite honestly I had another 3 items to add to this list but I'm too embarrassed, or more accurately aware of how silly this all sounds! If this is my way of detoxing and beginning the "slow down" process, you might be able to imagine what a "regular" day looks like.

I don't find time for God, I MAKE time
I don't find time for my family, I have to TAKE the time

It's all about choices - my choices.

God help me to choose you, to choose relationships over tasks.
Spirit help me, let you lead me today.
Lead me to a place of rest and joy.

1 comment:

S@rah said...

Lori, welcome to the "blog-esphere"! I resisted it and have found it more and more fun as I go! :)