Monday, September 21, 2009


Dave started a new series called Archetypes. It ties different personalities to various spiritual gifts. Each week as Sandbox we debrief but I find it hard to be objective since I love this type of stuff.

Week one, September 13, was the intellectual. The "smarty pants, a thinker, a learner and seeker of truth." Every test or inventory I've taken in the last 10-15 years point me in this direction of intellectual/thinker. Yet when I think of the intellectuals I know like Dave, JVo or Ben, I typically see men. So I began to wonder, can a woman be an intellectual?

Yes, women can be intellectuals. While at seminary I loved to spend hours reading or studying the Bible. (I was single at that time). After I married and had my son, I was asked to lead a Bible study. I hesitanted because I didn't have the time prepare an inductive Bible study from scratch. My life and priorities were changing, I still loved Jesus, I just couldn't spend hours studying or reading.

The other day I got 3 new books from I couldn't wait to look through them and begin reading. Since I had no time, I took one in the car to skim through while we drove to the store. The kids were noisey, the radio blasting a football game and all I wanted to do was yell "shut up" so I could read. That's when I knew I was truly an intellectual, but it's not fitting into this season of my life!

Being an unfulfilled intellectual is frustrating. I have to snatch brief 10 minutes segments before bed or in a coffee shop to read, but I am learning it's not how much I read and study that is important BUT how I am integrating and letting the truth of what I read shape and form who I am.

There will be a day when I can sit and study for hours, but today is NOT that day. Today as I move through my day as a mom preparing meals, taking care of household business and myself, I will let the Spirit guide me. Conscious of her presence, living my life with peace and joy for the gifts I hold.

check out the archetype series at

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