Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Voice of My Beloved - III

As my relationship with my Beloved has grown, His voice becomes clearer. What began as a personal desire to know the voice of my Beloved has expanded to guiding and directing my kids in discerning God's voice. One thing we do is play the "quiet game" in which I encourage the kids to be still, close their eyes and listen; simple become aware of their surrounding.

On one occasion after a few minutes of quietness, I asked Jeff what he heard. He replied a motor boat and birds. Then I asked him, "If you did not have ears, could you still hear God?" Jeff paused and thought for a moment and then replied, "Yes, because I hear Him in my heart."

Louella passed away years ago, but there are very few days that I don't think of her and thank God for what she taught me.

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