Saturday, May 16, 2009

Ordinary Day

Three out of the last four weekends I've been in class or trainings, taking up both my Friday evenings and Saturdays. Working on Sundays have left little time for my family. After my class last weekend, the kids and I played hookie on Monday. I had the day off and they stayed home from school, it was a mental health day for me! My mental health needed a break and an ordinary day home with the kids

I've made some adjustments this week. Back at Curves exercising, cooked some healthy meals, played outside in the garden. These are some healthy lifestyle choices that have gotten slighted out of alignment these past couple of weeks as I finished up school.

So I'm enjoying Saturday morning, the rain and quietness. We have things to do today, soccer, a plant sale, yard work, etc. but at least we are home together. Maybe we'll grill out for dinner. Caring for my family, providing healthy meals has become very important to me.

Mother Teresa always told her workers that love begins at home. If you can't love your family, don't come and try to love and serve the poor. Real love begins at home.

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