Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Several weeks ago I set up the aquarium with milk weed and some caterpillars. This is all sitting on the kitchen counter so we don't miss a step of this mysterious transformation process. Originally I thought I had 4 larva/caterpillars but it turned out there was a fifth. Two catepillars died and 2 made their "ccccccocoons" (that's how Allie & I say it, always with a smile), and the last one is being transformed right now.
The first butterfly emerged but it's wing was not right. After watching it for seveal hours, I picked up the butterfly hoping if I could get it upright it would stretch out it's wings. Unfortunately even though we had done everything right, the butterfly did not make it.
The second butterfly (seen above) emerged beautifully. I took him outside and for 20-30 minutes he stretched and dried his wings and flew away.
Both of these caterpillars/butterflies had the same environment, same care but one made it and the other one didn't. I've been frustrated with some aspects of ministry lately and my butterflies helped me realize I can't make them fly. I can't make their wings work. I can only provide the environment - safe, nurturing - in which they can grow and do their own work of becoming who God intended them to be - a monarch butterfly.

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